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 needlework group

Second Sunday of the Month, 1-3 PM

2325 Robb Drive, Reno, NV 89523


northwest reno library


If you enjoy knitting, crochet or other needlecrafts, we invite you to join us at our free, friendly and informal monthly gatherings. You will find a delightful community of fiber enthusiasts of all experience levels, who love getting together to stitch, socialize and share.

knit and crochet yarn

We are an inclusive, supportive and talented group dedicated to needlecraft traditions including knit, crochet, cross-stitch, needlepoint, quilting, embroidery, weaving, spinning, tatting, lace, plastic canvas, rug making and more.

needlework and sewing tools
embroidery thread

If it involves any type of yarn or thread, bring your current project and come enjoy our creative group. Visit with us in the main meeting room among the awesome resources of the Northwest Reno Library.

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